EDUCATION JOURNAL OF INDONESIA 2024-05-18T02:26:24+00:00 Marah Doly Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>EJI</strong> | <strong>Education Journal of Indonesia</strong> is the International Journals is a journal managed by the <strong>Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra</strong> as a forum for scholars, teachers, lecturers and educational staff to publish works. EJI is a scientific journal that publishes and disseminates research results, in-depth studies, creative, innovative thoughts or work in the fields of education and teaching. The focus of the journal is innovative works related to the development of learning media, development of learning processes, analysis of social life, analysis of learning difficulties and the application of e-learning which can effectively make a positive contribution to schools and higher education institutions. as a topic of community service.</p> <p align="justify">This journal was first published in <strong>November 2020</strong>. EJI is an <strong><em>open access</em></strong> and <em>peer-reviewed</em> journal and is published twice a year in <strong>May </strong>and<strong> November</strong>. The journal has been indexed by Google Scholar, Garuda and is in the Sinta Accreditation process. <a href="">ISSN : 2774-4949</a> </p> <p>Indexed in: <a href=";user=Be2f3pgAAAAJ"><em><strong>Google Scholar</strong></em></a>, <a href=""><strong>Garuda</strong></a>, <em><strong>Crossref</strong></em></p> An Analysis Of Students’ Speaking Anxiety On Speaking Ability In Class X At MAN 2 Bengkulu City Based On Emha Abdurrahman’s Theory 2024-05-06T03:05:11+00:00 Novan Hardiansah Adisel Dedi Efrizal <p><em>The objectives of this study were: 1) To find out the factors that influence student anxiety in public speaking 2) To find out some of the suggestions and efforts to deal with students' speech anxiety based on Emha Abdurrahman's theory, especially in class X MAN 2 Bengkulu City for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. The type of research used is field research, and is included in qualitative research. The informants in the study amounted to 21 people, namely class X students and English teachers. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that: 1)Students revealed some factors that cause them experiencing anxiety: The first interviewee stated that anxiety occurs because of low speaking skills, fear of making mistakes, and fear of being criticized, which causes low self-esteem. The second interviewee said that the anxiety happens because of the fear of misinterpretation, lack of vocabulary, lack of practice, the inability to control emotions, and feelings of inferiority. The interviewee also stated that when the interviewee saw someone who has a higher ability, a feeling of self-indulgence arose and caused excessive panic and nervousness. The third interviewee mentioned that anxiety occurs because of feelings of inferiority, fear of being wrong, fear of being laughed at, and being scolded by the lecturer. The fourth interviewee conveyed that anxiety happens because of the fear of making mistakes when speaking, lack of confidence, and the fear of getting a bad impression from the audience. 2) According to Emha Abdurrahman, speaking is a verbal explanation about a thing (problem) by stating the information clearly in front of the masses or the crowd at a certain time. The main key for someone to be able to successfully display speaking is due to the will of the person concerned. With there is a strong self-will to be able to give a good speech, then the concerned will certainly try to understand, understand, explore the ins and outs of problems before finally appearing in actual practice. With an attitude like this that can make a person like a lion podium if you appear carrying your belly and get success like that expected . For speech strategies, there are several that are often used: 1) Impromptu Strategy; 2) Memorization Strategy; 3) Manuscript Strategy; 4) Extemporary Strategy.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword : Speaking Ability, Anxiety, Emha Abdurrahman’s</em></strong></p> <p> </p> 2024-05-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Novan Hardiansah, Adisel, Dedi Efrizal Improving The Quality Of Mathematics Learning Through Strengthening Pedagogical Competencies, Effectiveness Of Project Based Learning, Creativity And Achievement Motivation 2024-05-06T03:04:42+00:00 Andi Hermawan Briliantina Indrati Eni Susanti <p><em>The intensity of systemic linkages and synergy of teachers, students, curriculum and learning materials, media, facilities and learning systems in producing optimal learning processes and outcomes in accordance with curricular demands, this is what is meant by quality of learning. The quality of learning is an important element related to achieving educational goals. From various educational development reports, it is known that the quality of mathematics learning at private vocational schools in Bogor Regency is not as expected, both for educational goals and competency demands. Therefore, research is needed to obtain information on variables related to improving the quality of learning. The aim of this research is to carry out strategies and ways to improve the quality of learning by conducting research on the influence of the variables of pedagogical competence, effectiveness of project based learning (PjBL), creativity, achievement motivation and learning quality. This research uses the path analysis method to determine the influence between the variables studied and the SITOREM method for indicator analysis to obtain strategies and ways to improve the quality of learning.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword : Quality of Learning, Pedagogical Competency, Effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PjBL), Creativity, Achievement Motivation, SITOREM Analysis.</em></strong></p> <p> </p> <p>Keywords: Quality of Learning, Pedagogical Competency, Effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PjBL), Creativity, Achievement Motivation, SITOREM Analysis.</p> 2024-05-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Hermawan, Briliantina Indrati, Eni Susanti The Role Of Character Education In Elementary School Students In The Digital Age 2024-05-13T02:07:32+00:00 Ahmad Riady Hasibuan Maulyda Syita Ritonga <p><em>Character education is an attempt to apply religious, moral, and ethical values to students through knowledge, with the help of parents, teachers, and society. This is very important for the formation and development of student character. Every child has tremendous potential from birth, but that potential must be continuously honed and socialized in order for their character to be fully formed and developed. In today's all-digital era, children easily use digital media. Since there are many negative benefits and effects of this technology, educators, parents, and adults should help children understand and monitor what they are doing with digital media to ensure that they are using it at their best. This is inseparable from the fact that education always shapes and leads a person's life. Education both in schools, families, and community environments affects the formation of student character.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword : Character Education, Primary school, Digital.</em></strong></p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maulyda Syita Ritonga, Ahmad Riady Hasibuan Professional Ethics Of Guidance And Counseling Teachers In Responding To Student Discipline Problems 2024-05-17T02:46:29+00:00 Nabawi Pradisty Uli Makmun Hasibuan Nadira Putri Wanda <p><em>This research uses a qualitative approach, which uses library research methods and the data that has been collected is related to the purpose of researchers to find out how to become a professional guidance teacher in overcoming problems in a student. The data collected in this study was sourced from books, literature, and records. Regarding the professional ethics of a supervisory teacher, it is closely related to the process of establishing relationships between teachers and students, efforts to smooth the process of alleviating problems that occur within students. Therefore, teachers are required to have an ethics and professional attitude instilled in themselves to respond to student discipline problems. Discipline problems still often occur within an individual, including the case with an individual student. Disciplinary problems must be eliminated so that something negative does not arise in students. Efforts to alleviate disciplinary problems are carried out within the school environment. Where teachers are required to be able to provide an understanding of what if there is no discipline in themselves. With this, the purpose of researchers in research is to know how to become a professional teacher in alleviating disciplinary problems.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword : Ethics, Professional, Guidance Teacher, Discipline.</em></strong></p> 2024-05-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nabawi Pradisty, Uli Makmun Hasibuan, Nadira Putri Wanda Language Melody, Islamic Harmony: The Role of Indonesian Language Teachers in Creating Inspiring Islamic Schools 2024-05-18T02:26:24+00:00 Tengku Aldy Hatta Indah Purnama Sari Putri Rizki Syafrayani <p><em>This research aims to answer the problem of how to become an inspirational teacher in the learning process in class. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to schools Al-Azhar ash-sharif North Sumatra. Based on data analysis, research results show that there are several initial things What teachers at the Al-Azhar Asy-Syarif Islamic School in North Sumatra need to do are (1) ensure the class setting is interesting and support inspirational learning (2) carry out a Needs Assessment to ensure that the material is appropriate delivered to arouse high awareness among students (3) Inspirational Lesson Plan or RPP planning (4) The implementation process is in accordance with planning and (5) ensures that there is an evaluation of the learning process so that there will be continuous improvement. The steps above are based on an approach that focuses on Inspirational spirit, in which several North Sumatra Al-Azhar Asy-Syarif teachers who were research subjects had confidence holds the view that (1) students are inspirational triggers (2) Teachers must be inspirational (3) Design empowering curriculum (4) creative learning methods and (5) organizing inspiring classes. Specifically, inspiring learning methods require active, innovative, creative, effective and fun. Based on the analysis and research findings, it is recommended to the Al-Azhar Asy-Syarif School to carry out a culture of study lessons between teachers in order to create enthusiasm to continue to be inspirational teachers for their students.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword : Inspirational Teachers, Learning Process and Learning Paradigms.</em></strong></p> <p><em> </em></p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tengku Aldy Hatta, Indah Purnama Sari, Putri Rizki Syafrayani