<p align="justify"><strong>EJI</strong> | <strong>Education Journal of Indonesia</strong> is the International Journals is a journal managed by the <strong>Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra</strong> as a forum for scholars, teachers, lecturers and educational staff to publish works. EJI is a scientific journal that publishes and disseminates research results, in-depth studies, creative, innovative thoughts or work in the fields of education and teaching. The focus of the journal is innovative works related to the development of learning media, development of learning processes, analysis of social life, analysis of learning difficulties and the application of e-learning which can effectively make a positive contribution to schools and higher education institutions. as a topic of community service.</p> <p align="justify">This journal was first published in <strong>November 2020</strong>. EJI is an <strong><em>open access</em></strong> and <em>peer-reviewed</em> journal and is published twice a year in <strong>May </strong>and<strong> November</strong>. The journal has been indexed by Google Scholar, Garuda and is in the Sinta Accreditation process. <a href="">ISSN : 2774-4949</a> </p> <p>Indexed in: <a href=""><em><strong>Google Scholar</strong></em></a>, <a href=""><strong>Garuda</strong></a>, <em><strong>Crossref</strong></em></p>en-USEDUCATION JOURNAL OF INDONESIA2774-4949Nexus between Teacher’s Communication Style and Students’ Academic Performance in Chemistry
<p>The study investigated how teacher’s communication styles influence learning outcome in Chemistry. The study adopted a survey research method involving 120 participants randomly selected from secondary schools in South-West Nigeria. Two structured questionnaires were used to collect the data (TRFQS and TRFQT for Chemistry students and teachers respectively). Findings from the study revealed that learners’ academic performance has no direct connection with teacher’s writing and non-verbal style. However, result showed that teacher’s speaking style has influence on learning outcome. The study has implication for school heads, teachers, curriculum planners and learners in their efforts towards enhancing learners’ academic performance.</p>Hassan KadiriMariam Titilayo Na Allah David Akinjide Akintola
Copyright (c) 2024 Hassan Kadiri, Dr Na' Allah, Dr Akintola
2024-11-182024-11-185210.30596/eji.v5i2.4593Escalation Students’ Academic Achievement Through Soft Skills Training and Academic Resilience
<p><em>Improvement of academic achievement is the main factor in improving the quality of education in University of Purwokerto City . This study aims to empirically examine how soft skills training and academic resilience affect student academic achievement in higher education with social recognition theory. The use of the method uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out openly during the training of 461 students who were studying in the 2nd semester at university. Analysis using Smart-PLS (Partial Least Squares). As a result, soft skill training had a significant influence on student academic achievement (accepted) with p-values (0.000 > 0.05). Resilience had a negligible influence on students' academic achievement based on p-values (0.708 < 0.05). This research contributes to universities to provide support for improving student achievement by supporting student skills and universities need to pay attention to the level of resilience so that students are ready to face difficulties in the future</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword : </em></strong><strong><em>Soft Skills Training, Resilience, Academic Achievement.</em></strong></p>Efi Miftah FaridliFatmah BagisSabar NarimoEndang FauziAnam Sutopo
Copyright (c) 2024 Efi Miftah Faridli, Fatmah Bagis, Sabar Narimo, Endang Fauzi, Anam Sutopo
2024-11-182024-11-185210.30596/eji.v5i2.4555Development of Poster Learning Media to Improve Learning Outcomes on the Main Material of Substances and Their Changes at SMP Negeri 5 Bengkulu City
<p><em>This research aims to develop </em><em>poster learning media </em><em>on </em><em>substances and their changes </em><em>that are suitable and practical for use after being validated by several experts and responded to by several teachers and students. This research method uses the Borg & Gall development model which consists of 10 steps which the researcher will limit to </em><em>7 </em><em>development stages, namely </em><em>data collection </em><em>, </em><em>design/planning, initial product development, initial trials, product revisions, field trials, final product revisions. To create students who are more enthusiastic in participating in learning activities, the researcher de</em> <em>veloped this poster learning media to determine the feasibility of the poster learning media. Based on the results of data analysis after the product was validated by the validator, the resulting final product met the appropriate criteria with an average score from material experts of 96.42%, media experts of 92.15%, language experts of 78.15%, for teacher responses amounted to 84.10%, student response results were 97.5%. The results of field trials on students using poster media obtained an average student score of 84.8%. From the previous explanation, poster learning media is suitable for improving student learning outcomes</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword : Poster Media, Learning Results, Substances and Their Changes.</em></strong></p>Milla RulisaAdiselWiji Aziz Hari Mukti
Copyright (c) 2024 Milla Rulisa, Adisel, Wiji Aziz Hari Mukti
2024-11-182024-11-185210.30596/eji.v5i2.3602Development of an Informative Poster on German Folk Festivals as a Cultural Learning Media
<p><em>The study discusses the development of an informative poster on German folk festivals as a cultural learning medium. Using a qualitative descriptive approach with a development research design based on the stages of Richey and Klein, the authors explore the topic with detailed constraints on the types of folk festivals available in Germany. The data sources used include references from the internet, books, and other supporting materials. The result of this study is the creation of a product in the form of an informative poster about German festivals, categorized into five types: Oktoberfest, Karneval, Fasching or Fastnacht (costume parties), the Berlin Film Festival, and the World</em><em>’</em><em>s Largest Wine Festival: Wurstmarkt.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords<em>: </em></strong><em>Development, Informative Poster, German Folk Festivals.</em></p>Fatimah HanimMuhammad Alif D. EgonSurya Masriani HutagalungMargaretha Febriyanti Manurung
Copyright (c) 2024 Fatimah Hanim, Muhammad Alif D. Egon, Surya Masriani Hutagalung, Margaretha Febriyanti Manurung
2024-11-182024-11-185210.30596/eji.v5i2.4453Counseling Guidance Profession In Society
<p>The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the counseling profession works in society. The method the author uses in this research is the library method or literature study. It is hoped that the title of this article can answer people's questions regarding counseling in society. Specifically regarding the implications of the counseling profession in society, namely that it can be done by providing counseling services that are of the nature of a helping profession or social worker. The result of the discussion of this article is that counseling as a community counseling profession is a concept that underlies the role and function of counselors in today's society. In line with the dynamics of life, the need for guidance and counseling is not only felt in the school environment. Currently, counseling services are being developed in broader settings, namely communities that include families, careers, the elderly and other communities, so counseling in society is really needed.<br />Keyword : Profession, Counseling, Society.</p>Asyifah NabilaUli Makmun HasibuanYunissa Aristi AnggrainaTengku Ananda Fitri Syakinah
Copyright (c) 2024 Asyifah Nabila, Uli Makmun Hasibuan, Yunissa Aristi Anggraina, Tengku Ananda Fitri Syakinah